C&S Spiral Hair Spring Design Software Design Accurately!!! - Mecca C&S Spiral
Hair Spring Design Software uses FEA techniques making it the most advanced and accurate software available today!
The advanced features allow users to determine a clear picture of the overall performance. Save Time!!!
- Prototyping, testing, re-prototyping, and re-testing can be an endless process. Mecca C&S Spiral
Hair Spring Design Software can cut design and testing time significantly and get each product to market
faster! Save Money!!! - Of
course time is money, but so is inefficiency. By determining an efficient design, material and production costs
can be saved throughout the life of the product! Mecca C&S Spiral Hair Spring Design
Software is an application based software program that runs in Microsoft Excel 2003 or later. The software is offered on
a yearly license basis for an individual PC only and is hardware locked to a single PC through the use of a license
key file. The software is the most accurate and extensive spiral hair spring design software in use today.
It uses numerous formulas and FEA methods to accurately calculate outputs and model spring performance.